They registered, now what?

Get Started
Now small publishers can convert registered users to paying subscribers or donors like the big ones do. Optimal segment and optimal price. That simple.
local news and revenue
Helping you leverage. . .
google tag manager
Google Analytics
New Revenue Hub

Small and local news are democracy-enhancing businesses that need to be sustained

leverage first part data

Leverage Data

You got their email, but what next? Figure out who will subscribe or donate and what to charge or suggest.
use email and paywall platforms

Use Your Platforms

We can get more value from features in the email and payment platforms you're already using.
improve conversion

Improve Conversion

Get more reader revenue by being smarter about who to ask and how.
upside analytics smart and affordable
Avoid complexity

Our Approach

Smart, simple and affordable

We help find the optimal audience segments and optimal price. It's done by connecting registration, modals and email across platforms that publishers already use and leverage different data types to make segmentation smarter.

Use What You Have

We have built and implemented our solution into some leading publishing platforms so you dont need to buy a whole new system.

About Us

We've done it for the big publishers - 30 years of analytics and insights expertise with leading publishers and platforms.

Our experience with smart people in the subscription business

260% growth in subscribers
Growth in paid subscribers and donors over 4 yrs
30 years of experience
Years of analytics and insights experience
3 data types to start segmentation
3 data types to start a smart segmentation
Paywall Platform:
Connecting Registration, Modals and Email with Piano
Useful Shared Data:
There are many good data sets that already exist which can be helpful.
Upside Analytics sweet spot for revenue
Small Data Is Big Again:
First party data is critical for reader revenue, ad revenue, and paid subscriptions (blog post).
Start With One Question:
Get the “why” behind behavioral “what” data.

Growing is hard. Let us help!

We fit all sizes

Whether you're just starting out or trying to hit the next big milestone as a brand, we're here for you.

We understand the wildly different needs of different sized brands. Our crew of creative folks, money-makers, planners, and general caffeine addicts specialize in their functions and you can ask us for as much or as little support as you need.
We fit all sizes

Whether you're just starting out or trying to hit the next big milestone as a brand, we're here for you.

We understand the wildly different needs of different sized brands. Our crew of creative folks, money-makers, planners, and general caffeine addicts specialize in their functions and you can ask us for as much or as little support as you need.
We fit all sizes

Whether you're just starting out or trying to hit the next big milestone as a brand, we're here for you.

We understand the wildly different needs of different sized brands. Our crew of creative folks, money-makers, planners, and general caffeine addicts specialize in their functions and you can ask us for as much or as little support as you need.

Still have questions?

We have (almost) all the answers


What is Upside Analytics?
An early-stage company founded by experienced people in analytics, data, and publishing space who have built established tools in the past and created companies around it.
What is the tool?
An easy to use and affordable analytics and activation module built on platforms publishers already use.  It combines a few key data elements to segment users, identify the optimal audience, test offers by segment, and improve paid subscription and donation rates.
How do you know it's working?
Two ways: 1) Successfully creating the segmentation using the data below. 2) Having a comparison of conversion rates to determine impact of segmentation vs general average at same time.
What is the methodology?
A simple formula to assign users into segments based on 3 data types.  Very straightforward.


Are you accepting pilots?
Yes, we are!
Is there a cost?
We will do pilots for free for qualified publishers.
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Stop wasting time, start scaling your business with Upside Analytics.

Grow faster with a company that helps you convert more customers.
Get Started Now